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A nanoporous composite by dealloying rapidly quenched Co75Pd20Si5, Journal of Physics Conference Series
2015-10-31 15:00  

Yingmin Wang, Wei Zhang, Akihisa Inoue, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 417 -2013 12026 (15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THIN FILMS)


In this work we report the fabrication of a nanoporous composite by electrochemical dealloying a rapidly quenched Co75Pd20Si5 alloy in a 0.5M H2SO4 aqueous solution. The melt-spun alloy exhibited a two-phase microstructure with the precipitation of an unknown secondary phase on the FCC solid solution matrix. Upon dealloying, a nanoporous composite was formed, which consisted of nanoligaments of two different length scales, namely, ~ 5-10 nm and ~ 100-150 nm. The sample surface was free of cracks and the as-dealloyed ribbons exhibited good mechanical integrity. The secondary phase was found to be more corrosion-resistant than the FCC solid solution phase under the same electrochemical conditions, and after dealloying the framework structure of the phase preserved to reinforce the dealloyed microstructure.



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